Bridge of Cabril                                                                                                       

Rural. Over the weir of Bouçã, below the dam of Cabril.


Hanged on three full arches, the middle arch with the major span , has a plain roadway and a lateral parapet made of stonework, with access ramps on both sides. The pillars on which the arches are hanged are nowadays covered due to the raising of the water of river Zêzere after the dam of Bouçã has been built; under the middle arcade, with 22 metres of span, flew the river Zêzere, the lateral arches functioned as an outflow of flood waters. It has 72 metres of length and 26 metres of height.


Initial Function:

Bridge. Equipment


Present-day Function:

Bridge. Equipment


Public property: municipal

Period of Construction:  

16th / 17th Century